Proud Liberal Woman

Proud Liberal Woman

Monday, July 23, 2012


I've mentioned before that I get lots of email from every progressive organization out there.  I love that the flow of email from these orgs is daily because that's how hard progressives need to work to take back our country.  I recently signed a petition sent to me from demanding that Perry implement the PPACA in Texas.   That petition has reached almost 30,000 signatures, and the orignators are asking the signers to now bombard Governor Perry's mailbox with letters this week.  I wanted to share the letter I wrote and sent today, and ask you to join me in giving Perry a piece of our minds!

July 23, 2012

Office of the Governor
PO Box 12428
Austin TX 78711-2428

Governor Rick Perry:

My name is Martha Stark.  My grandfather was Frank Stark.  He and his brothers were independent grocers in east Austin from the 20s through the 70s.  Those great Texas men passed onto me a deep respect for the community, and a heart for service therein.  I am your constituent, a 51-year-old, native Texas woman born in Austin, and raised in the metroplex.  I came back to my birthplace to raise my family in rural, central Texas.  We have three children, and have been part of the Luling community for eighteen years.

The reason I am writing today is to express my outrage at the dire results of many actions on your part recently.  Your actions further oppress and subjectify the people of my state. The final straw was your brazen refusal to implement the law of the land, the PPACA.  Please spare me your standard, form-letter response to this personal plea.  I got sick of receiving them in response to my EVERY complaint after the tenth letter received.

My representative, Lloyd Doggett, stood up for my family on the floor of the House of Representatives recently to tell our story of how the PPACA has greatly benefited our situation.  Mr. Doggett is a great Texan.  Mr. Perry, you are no Lloyd Doggett.  Men like my grandfather and his brothers, who selflessly served the people of east Austin, are what made Texas the strong, revered state among the rest. You are not a great man.  Since you rose to the highest elected office in the state, we have plummeted to new-low statistics regarding education, teen birthrates, and uninsured citizens.  All on your watch.  The citizens demand better.  How are we to educate the masses if the Republican majority in this state continues to cut education to the bone?

As your constituent, I join with millions of other citizens of this great state in demanding that you implement the PPACA in Texas.  The sheeple that are still singing your praises (the evangelical zealots), ought to be out in the streets protesting your refusal instead of patting you on the back.  They are so blind, they don’t realize it will cost them and every other Texas taxpayer federal taxes in the long run when the exchanges are set up by the feds.  Believe you me, I am doing everything I can to let people know the truth.  You are not going to be able to get away with your pandering, slimy ways forever.

I am old enough to know what it feels like to be governed by people with morals and integrity.  Past governors like Dolph Briscoe, Mark White, Ann Richards come to mind.  And who can forget the esteemed Barbara Jordan?  These Texans worked hard for the people of this state.  There is a lot to be said for the peace of mind that comes with honest, hard work.  In spite of all your mistakes, I’m still imploring you to work hard for the people of Texas.
