Proud Liberal Woman

Proud Liberal Woman

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


My busy life as a political activist leaves me ignoring my weblog more often than not.  I have many things to write about, and scarcely the time to do it.  Today, I will stop for these thirty minutes and write. 

Because of the gerrymandering efforts of Texas Republicans, I will lose my longtime Congressman, Lloyd Doggett, in November.  With redistricting inevitable this year, I have been watching the political landscape, and waiting for the contenders for the seat of my new district for months.  Early on, my clear choice emerged.  Her name is Rose Meza Harrison, and she is the former assistant attorney for Nueces County, only leaving her job recently to campaign full time.  She is a progressive Democrat, and the only person, of the many in the race, that deserves my vote.  Growing up in a large, south Texas family, Rose is of the people, and will serve the people of Texas in Washington with integrity and honor.

Last week, when I was out among my community's business owners bringing the good news about Rose, I had a long visit with an 87-year-old gentleman who served our great country in WWII.  I was humbled to listen to his riveting stories of war and his service.  As I discussed with him the task with which we are faced in electing a new representative, he told me that his lovely wife is a lifelong yellow-dog Democrat.  For those of you unfamiliar with the term that I often use to describe myself, it simply means that you support and vote only for members of the party, never giving consideration to any Republican on his/her merit or any other reason.  As our visit concluded, the kind man assured me that he was more than happy to allow me the privilege of placing a Rose for Congress sign on the fence of his business.  He even told me to remove the other candidate's signs and take them off his property!  Those days spent out among my community last week were abundantly rewarding.

My candidate, Rose, came to Caldwell County over the weekend to participate in the Thump, our annual festival.  She rode in the parade, and attended Saturday afternoon down at the festival grounds, shaking hands and meeting people.  Rose and my fellow Caldwell County Democrat, Sallie Ann, even competed in the famed watermelon seed-spitting contest.  While she was here, I received updated campaign literature.  This morning, I once again went out into my community, back to the business owners, and delivered the impressive, new brochures.  I knew my elderly friend would want this brochure to show to his wife.  When I stopped at his place, the man's son was sitting, talking with his father in their office.  I introduced myself, and began talking to him about Rose and our need to replace our beloved Mr. Doggett.  I asked for his vote to help Rose win the runoff, and get her to the general election in November where she will go up against the TEA Party Republican.  The man stopped me, and delcared that he was one of those TEA Party Republicans.  I was taken aback, and said to him lightheartedly, "how is that your mother is the good Democrat she is, and then there's you?"  He chuckled at my inference, and said, "It's a matter of conviction."  What a splendid opportunity for me to plant a seed, and that's just what I did.

During my teenage years, my mother always told me I was too bold for my own good.  She was right.  I am bold, but I use it for good.  So, I turned my bold on, and I asked the man if he knew that the District 27 incumbent congressman had voted to cut education.  Further, did he know that Blake Farenthold had snuffed out the earmarked piece of legislation that supports veteran services in this district?  I asked him if he had children or grandchildren in public school, and assured him that I did.  I asked the man how he felt about the risk of deportation that immigrant children in our community face when they've only ever known Caldwell County, Texas, United States as home.  I told him that Mr. Farenthold does not support the DREAM Act, and explained to him those details.  I think I overwhelmed the poor dear, because I left him speechless.  It was at that time that I urged him to reconsider his vote for Farenthold this November without at least finding out for himself what the man's congressional voting record is, and what his plans are for this district should he be elected.  He smiled and bid me adieu without addressing anything I'd brought out or promising me his vote for Rose.  But, a seed has been planted, and maybe, just maybe, he'll think twice before he carelessly casts his vote for a man who will likely continue to use his legislative power to work against the betterment and uplifting of the men, women and children of District 27.

I understand what it means to be convicted.  I, too, am convicted just as this man is convicted.  My conviction is why I work like I do to elect progressive Democrats to serve as elected officials.  I urge my readers to do the same.  We live in the greatest country on earth.  This is a democracy, and we, the people, have a duty to protect it and preserve it.  And it starts with conversations just like the one I had this morning.  Go out and be bold.  Talk to you neighbors about November.  Urge them to consider their vote more fervently than they ever have before.  We must have representatives that work to promote the welfare of the citizenry.  No more Republicans that serve their corporate lords.  Work, my friends.  Let's turn this thing around, and right quick.

Peace, Love, Solidarity

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