Proud Liberal Woman

Proud Liberal Woman

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Lord have mercy, did you hear what the Republican county judge from Lubbock County, Texas, Tom Head, said?  I can almost feel the rest of the country cringing at this, yet another embarrassing story about a public official from Texas.  This fellow has completely lost his mind.  Reason and fact are lost on Mr. Head, and maybe it's only because he's trying to convince voters to approve an increase in their property taxes by scaring them to death with this conspiracy theory about our president.  But maybe he really believes that Obama could order UN troops to march on Lubbock County, and remove guns from its citizens.  Yeah.  Personally, I think he should be removed from office, and given a complete mental health screening.  This story makes my head explode, and makes me want to scream from the rooftops, "hey, rest of the country, not all Texans are bigoted, small-minded, fear-mongering morons."

Speaking of crazy, the Republican candidate for United States Senator, Ted Cruz, surely feels right at home in Texas.  Here are some things you should know about him compiled by Think Progress.  That golf course thing is downright silly.  He is being backed by the powerful, mega-rich, Republican PAC money.  Access to those limitless funds will buy him quite a lot; but, at the end of the day, he remains legislatively unqualified to represent us in Congress.

After a decade of Rick Perry's shenanigans, I guess I've become immune to this trend toward full on lunacy coming from the Republican establishment in Texas.  Nothing surprises me anymore.  What bothers me is that white-bred, Christian conservatives vote more often than any other socio-economic group, and they keep electing the likes of Tom Head up in Lubbock County.  And if we don't get busy working hard for the Democrats, they'll elect his partner in crazy, Ted Cruz.   

Seriously, folks.  We have got to put a stop to the crazy train.  Donate until it hurts to Paul Sadler, and every other Democratic candidate that you deem worthy of your hard-earned dollars.  If we work hard, our grassroots effort can sweep the 2012 election just like the TEA Party swept the mid-terms.  Many brave, honorable Democrats are running for offices at every level of government, and it is up to us to support them and campaign for them.  Plug into candidates through their websites and/or social media.  Learn where they will be speaking; they are out there on the campaign trail, you just have to find them.  Candidates will always have signs and other sundries with them on these campaign stops.  Load up on supplies, and get out there and start talking to your friends, neighbors, community about the need to elect Democrats this year.  Most importantly, don't forget to stock up on voter registration cards.  You can get these from your county voter registrar.

Friends, if we don't get busy taking back Texas, the Tom Heads and Ted Cruzes of the world will drag us down with them into the looney bin.  Time for sanity to make a big comeback down in Texas.



  1. Should have been here in Victoria today, Martha! Gov. Goodhair was here!

    I do feel like I'm in a looney bin here in Texas! I told my sister just this morning I'm going to apply for a weekend pass from the asylum!

    Hey, seriously--let them be crazy! They are not helping themselves! Even some of my republican friends are starting to talk about how they are not happy with the current behavior by the GOP. They do not usually do that. That is when they are ripe for the picking!

  2. Start picking, my friend! Yes, I should've been in Victoria today. What I wouldn't give to have a chance to speak my mind in person to the idiot governor with the full
