Proud Liberal Woman

Proud Liberal Woman

Friday, November 2, 2012


Surely I speak for all Americans when I say election 2012 can't come soon enough.  Just imagine what our neighbors in the swing states are feeling.  In this day and age of the 48-hour news cycle, and biased and unbalanced journalism, we are overwhelmed, dazed and ready for it all to end.

This election is the first in which I have completely immersed myself.  I feel as if it is a life or death moment for the people of this country.  If a Republican majority holds power in our system of government, we will undoubtedly return to the policies that nearly wiped out the middle class.  Worse, American women will have our rights further peeled away.  Today is the 40th anniversary of Ms. Magazine.  Forty-plus years of progress, brought forth by pioneers of the feminist movement like Gloria Steinem, will be for naught.

Last night, I read yet another Facebook friend's rants and raves and demands regarding the fabricated and completely false allegation that our president ordered American military personnel to stand down in defense of our embassy in Benghazi attacked by the Taliban on Sept 11.  Friends, it is a grave mistake to continue this line of thinking; there are families and friends of the four dedicated Americans that lost their lives that are being completely ignored with this brand of utter foolishness.  To accuse our commander-in-chief of such negligent and malicious behavior is a slap in the face of those loved ones, and indeed, to us all.  To that FB poster, I say, "grow up."  You proudly incited a mob reaction with your ridiculous lie.  Instead, you should be lauding our president's global leadership, and working to ensure he is not only given four more years to complete his tasks, but also given a Congress that comes to the table with bi-partisanship its top priority.  Turn on CSPAN.  Watch our government in action.  Do this, and you won't be fooled by lies again.  If you had been doing this all along, you would know the truth which is that Paul Ryan and other members of the Republican party, voted against allottment of DoD money when the State Department requested beefed up security at that facility in Libya.  Get real, or be a fool.  Your choice.

It has been awkward and uncomfortable watching true colors come out in my friends and relatives.  Ugliness is what I see everywhere I turn, and it is the single most divisive and counter-productive aspect of election 2012.  There are forces at work to divide us over hot-button issues.  And, their work is paying off because we aren't focused on what they're doing while we're fighting amongst ourselves.  It's the age old story, but this time, it has worked quite well for them because of the racist response to the capable, compassionate, brilliant black man in the White House.  Instead of celebrating his accomplishments together, we are in a bitter war that has its poisonous roots in racism.  This is not the America I want for myself, my children or generations to come.  We are better than all the foolishness.  And we better all start paying attention through eyes free of prejudice and fear.

Four days until we know who will lead us into the future.  Personally, I don't want to live in a country where my president's name is Romney.  But, I no longer want to live in a country where my president is re-elected, only to face the hatred, and obstruction to his every move.  I am jaded and tired.  Tired on so many levels.  The obvious physical tired of campaigning, but more than that, I'm tired of the lies, tired of the hate for a man who has done amazing things in the face of great adversity in his first term.  Let it be done, and let my prediction be true.  That Americans are wiser in the voting booth than they ever present themselves to be on FB.   I am, after all, the eternal optimist.  :) 

Peace, Love, Democratic majority!


  1. I agree with everything you said. When I am home during the week, I watch mostly ABC. These last couple of days, ABC has been flooded with republican anti-Obama campaign ads! It is really getting annoying, and particularly so since they are filled with lies!

    I will be glad when the election is over and Romney goes away for a few years! It is going to be very hard to look at friends and relatives who support him and ever take them seriously again, especially when they will not discuss him--they just want to talk about what the President has or hasn't done.

    Get some rest!

  2. I unplugged from the media a week ago...the endless polls were freaking me out! I've had CSPAN on when I'm home, and have seen some great programming.

    Truly, watching this whole thing for four years has been taxing. And, it only intensified (x infinity!) during this campaign season. What a ride.

    I wonder how I will respond to those friends/relatives's something that worries me somewhat. And, I am already thinking of tactics I can employ to make them understand the reality of our system of government.

    Today, I have a training class, dressing more polls, and I have got to make time to sit down and dig into allegations of voter intimidation at a precinct in east Austin that resulted in no ballot being cast by two young men. A FB friend brought it to my attention this morning so I feel compelled to find definitive answers. That may go on the back burner as I am doing my level best to take care of all the work here in Caldwell Co. Our Democratic party here has no cohesion and much inner dysfunction. The in-fighting and power plays have created not work, but hard feelings. All because of egos. I am very disgusted; we could have and should have supported all Democratic candidates so much better than we have.

    Take care, EA, and thanks for the comment.

  3. Kudos Martha

    You did what a lot of us democrats need to be doing..Thanks.

    I'll stick with

    Sorry about your interaction with your republican friends. Here in Victoria,I am outnumbered by 10-1 so I'm usually the pinata to my friends...How do I know when I'm winning? When they try to change the subject or don't answer my calls or emails..;_)

    When I cast my vote for Obama/Biden,I knew in my heart that it was the right choice and that's all that matters to this old man.

    Have a good one

  4. My vote for Obama/Biden was the most moving experience. So much so, that I cried. That was a first! It felt good :))

    I had another Republican friend accuse me of being a bitter, angry, old woman. He even went on to say that my anger had caused him to vote for Romney/Ryan. I say, "Brother, don't use me as your scapegoat for voting for that duo." Can you just believe that insanity!!

    I am unfazed by the attacks. I know we are on the correct side of history. And that, my friend, is what matters to this young, happy liberal woman.

    Take care, Mike.
